It’s not me, it’s you! Experts on when you should dump your CDMO

If your CDMO is not willing to change for you then it is time to find someone else, says experts at Biotech Week Boston (BWB).

Millie Nelson, Editor

September 22, 2023

1 Min Read
Broken heart

If your CDMO is not willing to change for you then it is time to find someone else, say experts at BWB.

How to select the right contract development manufacturing organization (CDMO) for your business and product has been a hot topic of conversation across the industry and the subject made its way to Biotech Week Boston, 2023.

While picking the right CDMO is extremely important, a delegate raised the point that “we have heard a lot about how to select a CDMO, but what we haven’t heard is when is it the right time to dump your CDMO?”

Catherine Tomaro-Duchesneau, senior director of manufacturing science & technology at RoslinCT said while there is inevitably going to be “problems, issues, and mistakes, if you’re seeing a lack of engagement when trying to resolve the problems, then a serious conversation is needed. If you don’t see change after that, then your partner is not engaged, and I don’t think that will be a successful relationship moving forward.”

Tomaro-Duchesneau’s statement was echoed by fellow panellist, Brian Greven, senior director of operations, Matica Biotechnology who also placed significant importance on collaboration and willingness to change after problems have been discussed.

Additionally, he recommended setting key performance indicators (KPIs) for the selected CDMO “just as you would for a department in your own company” as then “when you see performance indicators start to turn in the wrong direction” you know it is time to have a “serious conversation.”

“If they’re not collaborative and willing to change for you [after the conversation] then it is time to look for someone else.”

This article was first published on BioProcess Insider on 22 September 2023

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